Queering Kansas in the Pictures

Flow (Still) Matters

Alex Doty

Ryan Murphy, Activist?

American Queer Horror Story

Posted by Taylor Cole Miller - -

In 1956 New York, Professor Richard D. Heffner aired one of the first television programs in the our nation's history about homosexuality on NBC. The airing marked the opening of a national conversation on homosexuality, and the response was electric. At a time when being gay was a felony, viewers queer and straight alike wrote in to sound off with their opinions - resulting in a colorful quilt of American voices regarding 1950s "sex deviance." Many of them are funny -- many more, heartbreaking. Their words reveal to us the strangeness of their time, but in so doing, reveal also the strangeness of ours, for the past is no clearer than the present and the present, no clearer than the past.
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